diffusion de séance
publique en cours
Séance publique

Ordinary Sessions

Congress is not a standing assembly that meets continuously. It meets based on a system of sessions and intersessional meetings.
The system determines when Congress meets. These meetings are open to the public.

There are two ordinary sessions per year:
– the administrative session (from 1 to 30 June); and
– the budget session (from 1 to 30 November).
A session may also include several sittings.

According to the Organic Act, Congress must hold both the above ordinary sessions that are convened by the Speaker. No ordinary session may exceed two months.

If there is no quorum on the opening day, the session is adjourned for three days, not
including Sundays and public holidays, without any need for further notice. It may then lawfully
proceed irrespectively of the number of members present or represented. The session’s
duration is measured as from the date set for the second meeting.

One sitting per session is devoted to country bills, resolutions and recommendations at each ordinary session of Congress.
At least one sitting is devoted to oral questions at each ordinary session of Congress.
The Speaker opens and adjourns each session.




Powers of Congress
