diffusion de séance
publique en cours
Séance publique

The Congress of New Caledonia assembly

The Congress of New Caledonia is the country’s deliberative assembly, and its role and powers are defined by Part III, Chapter I of Organic Act No 99-209 of 19 March 1999 to establish the institutions of New Caledonia, which translates the prescriptions of the Noumea Accord into legal terms.

Congress – New Caledonia’s leading institution

Congress is New Caledonia’s foremost institution as listed in the Organic Act. The remaining institutions are the:

  • government of New Caledonia
  • provinces
  • customary senate
  • traditional councils and
  • economic, social and environmental council.

Congress is primarily an assembly of elected representatives from various political parties, some of whom can form political groups within Congress.
Congress has 54 members who bear the title of “Councillors of New Caledonia”.




Powers of Congress
